01332 913300

Gas Assist Heating & Plumbing - Helping me reclaim a day a week

Gas Assist Heating & Plumbing - Helping me reclaim a day a week

I would like to thank CIS IT for helping me reclaim a day a week in time, assisting me in organising my emails and enabling me to access all my files and work from anywhere in the world. When we started in business, we were given an email provider with our website package that was far from helpful. For two years I could not search or sort my inbox or retrieve email from my phone or tablet. This meant it was very frustrating to manage and find what I was looking for. Paul dealt with my ex web guy to get all of my emails onto Microsoft exchange. It was amazing to be regain control over my inbox, but even better to find that I could now pick up emails on my devices and even manage my diary. We have no hesitation in recommending Paul to our friends and family.

Thank you Paul you took the S,H out of our IT.

Lorraine Cooke of Gas Assist Heating And Plumbing

Lorraine Cooke - Gas Assist Heating & Plumbing